Product Description
Oatmeal, a gentle exfoliate, and honey, an antiseptic, combine with our moisturizing natural soap to provide the perfect everyday facial skin care cleanser. The mild, sweet scent leaves you feeling fresh and clean. Properties: Anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, anti-viral, fungicide, insecticide, anti-septic, balsamic, expectorant, stimulant, exfoliate. Health Benefits: protects skin from the sun, rejuvenate and refresh depleted skin, acne treatment, absorbs impurities from the pores on the skin, treats skin irritation, cures skin diseases, natural cleaner, heals eczema and other skin disorders, provides a natural glow to your skin. Ingredients: coconut oil, olive oil, soybean oil, wheat germ, sodium hydroxide (lye), distilled water, aloe, honey, oatmeal.
Great - Honey oatmeal
I love the smell and it just feels so clean and fresh.
My Mother is 90 and sensitive to everything. The soap seems to bring her comfort.